Cosmix Glossary

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Holistic Health
Circadian rhythm
Root cause approach

Holistic Health

speaker icon whole-is-tik-hell-th

Imagine your body and mind as a whole, not separate parts. Holistic health is taking care of both your physical and mental well-being, like eating well, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and finding activities that bring you joy.


speaker icon adapt-o-jens

These are herbs or plants that help your body adapt to stress, when used consistently. Think of them like tiny trainers that help your body handle pressure better, whether it's work stress, a big exam, or even just a busy day.


speaker icon kaw-ti-sawl

This is a hormone your body makes when it's stressed. It's like a built-in alarm system that gives you energy to deal with the situation. But too much cortisol for too long can be bad news, so adaptogens can help keep it in balance.High levels of cortisol for a prolonged period of time can lead to an imbalance of hormones.


speaker icon ner-veen-s

These are herbs that specifically support your nervous system, which is like the body's information highway. They can help calm your nerves, ease anxiety, and promote relaxation, kind of like natural chill pills.


speaker icon no-non-sense

No-Nonsense, in the Cosmix dictionary, simply means no bullshit, without any extra fluff!


speaker icon pre-bi-aw-tiks

These are the food for your good bacteria. They're a type of fiber that feeds the friendly bacteria in your digestive system, helping them thrive and keep your gut happy and healthy.


speaker icon in-flame-may-shun

Body's defense system, good short-term (fights invaders). Bad long-term (can damage tissues). Keep it in check for happy health!


speaker icon bi-o-in-div-viju-aal-ity

We're all unique! This means what works for one person's health might not work for another.


speaker icon bih-tur-s

These are digestive helpers that can stimulate your stomach acid and aid digestion, like tiny cheerleaders for your gut.


speaker icon micro-bi-ome

Think of your gut as a bustling city with millions of tiny residents - bacteria, fungi, and other microbes. This whole community is your microbiome, and it plays a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and even mood.


speaker icon meh-taa-bo-li-zm

The process that converts food into energy, powering everything you do, from thinking to running.


Circadian rhythm

speaker icon sir-kay-dian-reh-dum

Your internal clock, like a 24-hour cycle that regulates sleep, wakefulness, and other body functions.

Root cause approach

speaker icon root-kawz-ap-ro-ch

Like a detective, finding the underlying reason for a problem from the scratch, not just the symptoms.


speaker icon stress-sur

Anything that challenges your body or mind, like a tough deadline, loud noises, or even lack of sleep.