What Is the “Root-Cause” Approach and Why Is It So Important to Us

What Is the “Root-Cause” Approach and Why Is It So Important to Us
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What Is the “Root-Cause” Approach and Why Is It So Important to Us

If you’ve been a part of our journey for a while, you may have heard the word “root-cause" being thrown around quite a bit. Don’t worry, we got you. We’re here to talk about what it really means to us and why we are its number one supporters! 

The Gap In The Health Industry 

When Vibha Harish, our co-founder, was going through her own wellness journey with PCOS, she spent years understanding and battling the good and bad in the health industry. At one point, she realised that all solutions seemed to be aesthetic solutions and less to getting to the root of the problem and trying to fix it. 

“You know, there was a point where I was very vulnerable and I felt whatever was out there seemed to be taking advantage of that vulnerability. As a young person, especially as a young woman, there’s a narrative that requires us to be looking a certain way. I noticed products that said ‘smooth skin’ or ‘flawless skin’, which influenced me in so many ways. I found that it was more about the aesthetic - why do we focus on aesthetics and not on what’s going inside? That was very disappointing for me,” says Vibha. 

After spending years understanding and battling PCOS, Vibha can vouch for the fact that healing definitely begins from the inside out. More often than not, what people ignore is that what is seen on the outside is a result of what’s happening on the inside - it’s your body screaming out into a large megaphone, letting you know that it needs a little help. The solutions were many; the only issue was that these solutions provided ‘temporary’ relief and didn’t treat the underlying cause. And that’s precisely what pushed Vibha to bridge the gap. She didn’t want Cosmix to be just another supplement brand, she wanted to educate people, along with giving them a solution that isn’t just another bandaid for your issues.

The Root Cause Approach: How We Bridged The Gap 

In holistic health practice, addressing the root cause means looking beyond surface symptoms to understand the underlying issues. Take acne, for example. If you've relied solely on skincare products to clear your skin, you've only addressed the symptom, not the cause. In alternative health practices like Ayurveda, herbalism, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the focus is on identifying and treating the root of the problem. Acne is often a visible sign of internal imbalances, whether it's hormonal fluctuations, poor digestion, a sluggish liver, or even stress. Our skin often manifests whatever is going on inside the body. 

At Cosmix, we believe in addressing the root cause of health issues so that the body heals holistically. Our health is deeply interconnected and by understanding these intricate web of factors that contribute to different health concerns, we can bring this into our formulations so that they actually target the root causes. “Feel Good Skin”, for example, is our skin supplement and while most supplements for skin have antioxidants, we have gone a step ahead and added liver support. Our liver is the largest eliminatory organ that flushes out toxins. So, our skin formula has collagen supporting elements, antioxidants, and liver support, giving you a holistic mix and that’s the mantra we follow for all our formulas.

Health Over Aesthetics! 

“If someone Googles ‘I have PCOS as a 16-year-old’, the goal is to reach and find Cosmix. I want them to find out what’s causing it and feel good about themselves,” says Vibha. 

And that’s why a lot of Cosmix’s products aren’t named after unrealistic standards - Feel Good Skin, Bring Me Bliss, My Happy Gut, What Women Want, are all targeted at making people feel beautiful, inside out. It isn’t superficial and certainly doesn’t glorify being flawless. “I really wanted to emphasise through every piece of education and focus on the fact that you don’t need to look a certain way.”

When Vibha was on her PCOS journey, something she found missing in both the supplement industry and the skincare industry was that no one ever credited what internal skincare does for your skin. She adds, “PCOS teas and its ingredients do make a huge difference, but I always felt that they should educate people that it’s not just a one day affair. How you educate people also makes a huge difference, marketing a PCOS tea to lose weight isn’t correct, either. These tiny things amount to bigger issues that affect self-esteem and self-confidence within the mind’s of people.” 

The Power of Addressing the Root Cause

By focusing on the root cause, we not only address the underlying issues that manifest as symptoms but also empower ourselves to make lasting changes that enhance our overall well-being. At Cosmix, we’re committed to this approach because we believe that true wellness isn’t just about looking good on the outside, it’s about feeling good from within. 

So, the next time you reach for a product or consider a new wellness routine, ask yourself: Am I treating the symptom, or am I addressing the root cause? Your body knows the difference and it will thank you for choosing to listen.

by Cosmix Wellness – August 16, 2024