Cosmix Journal

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Why sleep better to tackle PCOS

Hormones – August 22, 2023

Why sleep better to tackle PCOS

Did you know that your PCOS symptoms may depend a lot on whether you are having a good night’s sleep? A messed up sleep cycle can mess up your ‘Circadian rhythm’. This is your body’s internal clock that regulates hormone levels and if it gets disrupted, your hormone levels may get dysregulated too, leading to troublesome PCOS symptoms. Let’s dive into this connection between your sleeping patterns and PCOS that might just leave you wide-eyed (but hopefully not too wide-eyed, especially if you're reading this late at night). Your body has a time-table Circadian Rhythms are your body's built-in schedule keepers. These help you know when it's time to rise and shine or wind down for the night. But it’s not just that. The circadian rhythm tells different parts of your body what to do and when to do it. Your body has lots of jobs to do – like digesting food, controlling your temperature, and even managing your hormones ( the body's messengers). How is it affecting my hormones? You see when your circadian rhythms go wonky – say, due to staying up late binge-watching your favourite show – it can have a ripple effect on your hormones that play a significant role in how things work in your body. These essential hormones that get caught in the crossfire if the circadian rhythm falls out of its beat are melatonin, cortisol and insulin. Insulin: This hormone helps regulate your blood sugar levels. When your circadian rhythm is off, insulin might not do its job correctly, which could mess with your blood sugar control and even lead to intensifying insulin resistance, a common concern in PCOS. Melatonin: This is the sleep hormone, your body's cue to get cosy and snooze. But if your circadian rhythm is disrupted, your melatonin production could get delayed or messed up. This might lead to trouble falling asleep or waking up too early. Cortisol: This is your body's stress hormone, and it's like the early bird that helps you wake up in the morning. When your circadian rhythm is out of whack, cortisol might get released at odd times, making you feel groggy when you should be peppy or hyper when you should be winding down. What is disrupting my circadian rhythm and how to fix it? Being a Night Owl: If you're consistently burning the midnight oil or staring at screens (phones, tablets, laptops) before bedtime, it can trick your brain into thinking it's still daytime. The blue light emitted by screens can suppress melatonin, that magical sleep hormone we talked about earlier. Changing your sleep schedule regularly can also leave your circadian rhythm scratching its head, wondering when it's supposed to make you feel sleepy. Not Enough Natural Light: Sunlight is like a reset button for your circadian rhythm. If you're not getting enough exposure to natural light during the day, your body might not know when it's time to be awake and when it's time to sleep. Eating Habits: Heavy or spicy foods before bed can make it harder to fall asleep. Your body is working on digesting instead of getting ready to rest. Skipping meals or excessive caffeine or alcohol intake can also mess with your sleep quality Stress and Worries: When your mind is busy with thoughts and worries, it can be tough for your body to relax and wind down for sleep. You messed up your circadian rhythm and now your hormones are all over the place? Now, how to fix it? Having a consistent sleep schedule is the key. Limiting screen time before bed, and dimming the lights in your home during the evening can help you fall asleep easily and on time. Winding down before by engaging in relaxing activities like reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing deep breathing, also helps. Avoid heavy or spicy foods close to bedtime. Light snacks are okay, but a big meal can disrupt your sleep. If you're having trouble sleeping, consider cutting back on caffeine and alcohol, especially in the afternoon and evening.  Having a managed circadian rhythm is not just about sleeping on time, it’s about making healthier lifestyle choices that nourish your body from within, that make managing PCOS symptoms a piece of cake!

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PCOS Remedies: The Natural way

Hormones – July 26, 2023

PCOS Remedies: The Natural way

We all know that uninvited guest who shakes up our lives upside down and refuses to leave. PCOS is that one stubborn unwanted and unexpected guest in the life of 1 out of 10 women in the world that is often misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and mistreated - only to affect our womanhood altogether. It’s an army of women out there, fighting a collective battle against a disease they think they have no control over - simply because it gains control of their bodies and minds alarmingly fast, creating a maze of confusion and a question “What is happening to me?” Does there exist a PCOS remedy at all? A remedy for the crippling period cramps, mood swings, irregular periods, sudden weight gain, painful acne etc. etc. etc.? A remedy for the times when you’ve been told you might be infertile? A remedy for the times when you’ve been teased for the hair growing under your chin?  A big YES. While this lifelong disorder cannot be cured - it can be beautifully managed by the natural PCOS remedies written in this article. We’re aware of the struggle to begin with the remedies, but once you start noticing the change - there’s no going back.  #1 - Diet Is Key! A lot of women who have managed to take care of PCOS focused on changing their diet first. This meant staying away from processed foods, and moving more towards a wholesome diet that is nutrient heavy. Our body flourishes when fed with nutritious foods that contain all the vitamins and minerals that promote a healthy system. Processed foods, sugars, and saturated fats are known to cause weight gain (which is a trigger for PCOS symptoms) and can even increase estrogen production making existing symptoms even worse. The whole idea is to listen to what your body is trying to say to you about the food you consume. It doesn’t mean you need to fully switch to a plant based diet or a whole foods diet, it just means you need to stay away from anything that will aggravate your symptoms and make them worse. Include iron-rich foods or foods that act as anti-inflammatories like dark green leafy veggies, berries, beans, dried fruits, or peas.  Some tips for your diet: Consume foods that are low in glycemic index to avoid a rise in insulin levels. PCOS can trigger higher levels of insulin in your blood and therefore needs to be balanced out with low GI foods. Opt for nuts, seeds, and whole grains in your diet. You can also look at eating starchy veggies and fruits like sweet potatoes and dates, as alternatives. Processed foods can backtrack your progress, depending on how serious your condition is. Don’t get fooled by “she literally eats out everyday but still has no acne” - everybody’s body is different, for you, maybe, an occasional indulgence might or might not be okay. It can be hard to stay away from processed foods, however, these also lead to high levels of inflammation. You don’t need to cut them out completely –– simply, reduce consumption and be mindful about enjoying them in moderation.  Anti-inflammatory foods are essential when maintaining PCOS as they help reduce inflammation in your body. This includes tomatoes, leafy greens, nuts, berries, olive oil, turmeric, to name a few.  #2 - Move your body🏃🏽‍♀️ Your body is literally made to move all day, not sit in a chair for 12 hours in front of a screen. While this may sound like a cliche and rather preachy, exercise is actually quite important when it comes to maintaining PCOS symptoms. This doesn’t mean that you have to slog days in and days out on the treadmill, but simply just involve yourself in physical activities that you enjoy. Initially, instead of going for a high-intensity workout that causes you to stress out more than actually enjoying it, opt for something more calming and relaxing, while giving your body a good physical exertion. Yoga, pilates, swimming, or just going for a run consistently will help keep you active and will also aid in reducing stress levels –– all of which naturally manage the symptoms of PCOS. Remember, there’s nothing called a bad workout - just move your body any way you like and your body is going to thank you for it!   #3 - Find Support 🧘 Other than the physical turmoil your body goes through thanks to PCOS, the impact it has on your mental wellbeing is also quite detrimental. Whether it’s the changes in your physical appearance or even how the symptoms of PCOS affects your self-esteem, having someone to share it with, discuss, and exchange stories, will make you feel like you’re not alone. Don’t confuse it with being normal, common does not mean normal, but it’s important to remind yourself that you’re not sailing alone in this tumultuous boat –– there are other women too! There are PCOS specialized nutritionists to help you find what diet works for you as well as amazing and super supportive fitness trainers who will tell you how you should practice menstrual phase dependent workouts that are customized for your body. Give your body what it needs - that’s the first remedy to PCOS.   #4 - Sleep Sleep Sleep 😴  Staying awake till 2am? Not getting your 8 hours of beauty snoozes? Well, that’s not good for your health or for your PCOS. Honestly, in today’s day and age, we do not give sleep the importance it deserves. Bad sleep habits exacerbate insulin resistance which is known to be a chief culprit of PCOS. It also increases hypertension and puts the body in fight-or-flight mode that completely disrupts hormonal balance and aggravates PCOS symptoms. With a proper circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) in place, stress levels and inflammation are reduced, which is extremely important to manage PCOS. A few remedies that can help you sleep: 15 minutes of sunlight as soon as you wake up: Sunlight not only brings positivity and a sense of rejuvenation in your body, but will also bring down melatonin (sleep hormone) and bring a rise to cortisol (stress hormone) which will improve functionality, energy and mood in the morning hours. Maybe also include a 5 minute gratitude practice to have an amazing day ahead? 😉 15 minutes of sunset and using a dim yellow light after 9 pm: The amount of light your retina processes sets your body clock for the day; which means it decides when you will have energy and when you won’t. So reducing light in your eyes reduces cortisol and increases melatonin, which signals your brains that it’s time to sleep. Avoid caffeine post 4pm: Caffeine can trigger a rise in cortisol, which will again confuse your hormones and brain regarding sleep schedules.    #5 - Supplements FTW 🥛 Sometimes your body needs a bit of an extra helping hand to nourish your system from within! While your diet is really important, consuming supplements that support it will just take things up a notch. Our What Women Want formula, a Cosmix PCOS remedy, supports your menstrual cycle and helps manage the symptoms naturally. The herbal mix contains natural ingredients like Shatavari, Nettle leaf, and Lemon balm, all of which work together to balance hormones and ease PCOS with consistent use. TruthBomb: PCOS cannot be cured or healed, however it can be managed. Small changes in your lifestyle and diet help trigger bigger changes in your body. And when I said that you’re not sailing in the PCOS boat alone, I meant it. Our co-founder Vibha started her wellness journey (and COSMIX) on a quest to treat her PCOS. So, if you need inspiration or a little push to begin your holistic journey, let her story guide the way. Remember, following these natural PCOS remedies will allow you to control your PCOS and not have it the other way around!  

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How to Balance Hormones, Cosmix

Hormones – July 26, 2023

Want to balance your hormones? Here’s a natural fix.

Are you tired of searching for answers why you’ve been suddenly getting facial hair, losing hair near the temples, having an extremely irregular menstrual cycle, sudden unexplained weight gain, acne et cetera? Have you been caught in a whirlwind of gynecologists and dermatologists, while your emotions, confidence, and most importantly, your divine feminine energy, have gone astray in the maze of life (and meds!)?  Believe it or not, a treasure trove of fixes lie in your mundane lifestyle choices, and practicing them will help you balance your hormones and embrace the goddess that resides within. Healing starts with little changes, which when done consistently, can have a huge huge impact! Despite the initial sense of overwhelm, remember that we are united in this journey, let’s go! Here’s the ‘why’: The symptoms you're experiencing, and perhaps even more, could be attributed to the imbalanced state of your hormones. According to research, achieving hormonal balance within your body is of utmost importance as it affects practically every aspect of your being—from the way your mind functions to how your body behaves. Even the slightest hormonal fluctuation can set off a chain reaction that can have a ripple effect on your entire health.  Now, let's shine a spotlight on androgens, the powerful sex hormones that we’re pointing our fingers at. While androgens play vital roles in both males and females, complications arise when testosterone levels surge in women, giving rise to masculine symptoms in their bodies such as excessive hair growth in unwanted places…. It's crucial to note that this hormonal imbalance is prevalent within the 13-44 age group, even if you haven't received a clinical diagnosis of PCOD. So, what natural steps can you take to alleviate these symptoms? How can you fix hormonal imbalance?  Natural fixes: Start noticing your body: The first step to healing is always awareness, sheer knowledge that something is wrong. The solution to your acne might not just be applying a serum on it, but recognise that something is wrong inside, rather than finding a fix for the outside. Missing a period a month without any reason, being lethargic and moody, unexplained weight gain, lower libido etc. are all signs that you need to dig deep. Balancing your hormones will make sure you ovulate every month, which is ultimately what your androgens want. Taking care of insulin resistance: Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar in your body by communicating with the liver. A high insulin is what causes Type 2 diabetes. So as your insulin levels are low and controlled, your sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG) are elevated. So this will bind the excess testosterone in your body and place them where they’re supposed to be. To lower insulin levels: Do a 1000 step walk immediately post your meals Pair your sweet foods with fiber to avoid insulin spikes Portion control as well as a low carb diet shall also help Introduce intermittent fasting in your life slowly and steadily Manage stress: Stress is one of the biggest causes of hormonal dysfunction, and while it is easier said than done, managing your stress can become the biggest boon for your body. During high stress situations in life, when you just cannot get ahold of your emotions mentally, it can be helpful to induce calming ingredients in your food intake that can help your body react better to the stress you’ve been taking. Some things that can help: Wellness teas: Have a cup of chamomile tea before bed Consume Cosmix Bring Me Bliss or What Women Want which can help your body calm down and ultimately balance your hormones Breathing exercises: Just 5 minutes of deep breathing can do wonders. Yoga: Yoga is an amazing thing that gives you fitness, calmness and hormonal balance all in one plate. Just 20 mins daily, and you are on for a healthy ride. Quality sleep: Sleep is non-negotiable. 7-8 hours of quality sleep according to your circadian rhythm is ideal, but if you’re not able to sleep on some days, introduce Sleep Like a Baby in your regime to finally get that beauty sleep and improve your health overall. Improve your gut health: A bad gut health is an invitation for hormones to go haywire. Eating healthy, home-cooked meals is extremely important to avoid triggering your hormones. Food is medicine. Balancing hormonal levels can be a task to deal with, especially if you’re battling something as serious as PCOS. These tips can not only help you to balance your hormones, but also improve your overall health. A lot of women, just like you, have been facing the music of androgen imbalance. But the good news is that healing starts from you, and you have the ball in your court! You got this!

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How To Lower Androgen Levels Naturally In Women?

Hormones – October 13, 2022

How To Lower Androgen Levels Naturally In Women?

If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the whirlwind of your own hormones, you’re not alone. Your hormones are practically responsible for everything––from the way your mind functions to how your body behaves––a small change in them can have a ripple effect on everything else. The one main culprit behind these fluctuations are androgens. Categorised as sex hormones, androgens are the reason why you hit puberty and play a major part in your reproductive growth. When we say blame it on the hormones, we actually mean blame it on this fella’. Now, both genders produce androgens, however it is more prevalent in males rather than females. And when this particular hormone goes high in women, it can stir up various issues in your body. So what exactly do androgens do and how can one lower them? Let's dive right in! Androgens In Women Testosterone is one of the main types of androgen responsible for the ‘male’ like activity in your body, including the growth of hair in pubic and underarm areas for females. Androgens are produced by your ovaries and adrenal glands, and they can sometimes overproduce or underproduce the hormone, resulting in an imbalance or disorder. If you’re wondering why exactly is this hormone being given so much importance? Well. it’s mainly because androgens in women are required to produce estrogen, drive sexual desire, and so many other factors. What Happens When Levels Are High? The symptoms of high androgen levels are quite obvious. Remember when we told you that it’s responsible for hair growth too? Well, one of the most obvious symptoms is an increased amount of abnormal facial hair and excess body hair. Too much testosterone can trigger body and facial hair growth, but ironically it can also trigger hair loss too. Weird right? Other than that, you will also notice a change in your skin, particularly, in any acne breakouts. Those who experience high androgen levels, also experience oilier skin than usual. This often results in acne that goes beyond the usual. Besides the physical aspects, high androgen levels can even alter your menstrual cycle, lower your sexual drive, and even impact your regular mood. How To Lower Androgen Levels? While the balancing act does require medical intervention (especially, if you’re dealing with conditions like PCOS), there are everyday, natural ways in which you can lower your androgen levels. Here’s how: #1 - Add Vitamin D to your diet (and your lifestyle) Did you know that vitamin D is extremely important for the functioning of your organs, especially for your ovaries and gut. By increasing your vitamin D intake through supplements or your diet, you’ll be able to lower testosterone levels and manage your PCOS.  You can do this by spending a good amount of time each morning for about 10 to 20 minutes outside in the sun. Do it early in the morning, as the sun’s rays post 8am can be rather damaging to the skin and body. Food to reduce androgen levels Consume foods such as oily fish, red meat, liver, egg yolks, cheese, and mushrooms, that are high in vitamin D, and are a great addition to your diet if you’re looking to hike up those vitamin levels.  #2 - Exercise Exercise, especially weight training according to a 2016 study, has proven to reduce high androgen levels in females. It is advisable to hit the gym and workout out with weights approximately 2 to 3 times a week. #3 - Consume Prebiotics Gut health is directly linked to your ovulation, and other things like skin, hair, and stress levels. By consuming prebiotics, you’re restoring gut health which in turn helps with your testosterone levels. Since high insulin levels are also associated with high androgen levels, by consuming prebiotics you help support healthy blood sugar levels in your body. #4 - Try Out Wellness Teas Teas such as peppermint or spearmint have anti-androgen effects and can help reduce the symptoms of PCOS too. Cosmix's What Women Want mix has superfoods and adaptogens like Shatavari which can help balance your hormones and impact of high androgen levels in your body. High androgen levels can be a task to deal with, especially if you’re battling something as serious as PCOS. And while nothing can be ‘fixed’ permanently, there are ways in which you can lower androgen levels, and manage your reproductive health. 

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How does Passion Potion work differently in men and women? 

Hormones – February 10, 2022

How does Passion Potion work differently in men and women? 

The ingredients in Passion Potion have a proven history of sexual well-being. They adapt to the body, and help in its natural regulation. From Cacao to Monk Fruit, each ingredient in this mix is working for YOU, along with your body.  So if you’re a guy with stamina concerns, the ingredients can help boost testosterone production. But women don’t have to worry about that, because the same ingredients will function to help estrogen and progesterone production in the female body! And that's the magic of adaptogenic supplements.  If you’ve been eyeing Passion Potion and have been confused by the mix of natural aphrodisiacs that have gone into it, we’ve got answers for you! How does it work for men?  “Hiii, we’re not Viagra!" Let’s just get that off the table. Passion Potion is made of no-nonsense ingredients, straight from nature which work with your body. They are sourced from the best farms, and at the ideal time to make the best of their nutrients.  The following is how the ingredients in Passion Potion function in the male body:  Maca Root can help boost sperm function, movement and count. It can also support healthy functioning of the prostate and adrenals. It can also help detox the liver and kidneys, revitalizing them and promoting libido. Horny Goat Weed - yes, we know it’s a very punny name - has roots in Chinese medicine and has been used for centuries to improve sexual wellness. This contains the flavonoid icariin, which helps in cell growth and repair, which means better blood flow and sensitivity in your genital area.  The ingredient Shilajit has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating a number of issues. In Passion Potion, it performs the function being a hormone regulator. In the male body, it will help to boost testosterone levels and keep it at an optimum level. It may also help in increasing sperm count and movement. It also contributes significantly to keep the sex organs healthy.  Altogether, Passion Potion is a blend whose ingredients can potentially target the whole body and mind to elevate desire, strengthen sensation, boost libido and make it easier to have an orgasm.  How does it work for women? If we were to describe sex and passion potion in one sentence, it would be -  "Something that feels so good has to be bad for me, yet it isn't!" The chocolatey flavor of Passion Potion is one that you would want to keep going back to. And with consistent use, it can help women address a number of common sexual health concerns - from menstrual cramps to post menopausal libido loss.  The following is how the ingredients in Passion Potion function in the female body:  Maca Root is especially helpful for post menopausal women, who struggle with low sex drive, cramps, irregular periods and more. In women of all ages, it can nourish the adrenals for better hormone balance, detoxes the liver for heightened libido and increases serotonin levels.   Shilajit is an ingredient that can help normalize the level of hormones - estrogen and progesterone - in the female body and keep it at the optimal level. It can also strengthen the sexual organs and balances all doshas to improve stamina. Regulating estrogen can help in improving mood and calming the body down, making it more likely to achieve an orgasm.  Cacao is definitely the primary note in this mix, and it’s not just there to taste sexy. It has some sexy benefits too. It has been proven to help with enhancing brain function and to improve mood, focus and attention. It is considered as a natural antidepressant, as it contains high amounts of tryptophan and magnesium, both of which can help in serotonin production.  All this to say that Cacao can help put the mind at ease, and make it easier for you to have an orgasm.  We can only help you so much… Here’s the deal, while Passion Potion is a mix that can help with improving your sexual well-being, you can only truly be healthy if you address the root causes of your problems. So if you suffer from conditions such low libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or orgasm disorders,  you have to seek the right treatment and therapy for them.  Whether the causes are physical or mental, there are a number of healing tactics that you can adopt that will help you truly heal. But we do hope that Passion Potion can be one of the tools that helps you in this journey.  Disclaimer: All statements are based on clinically studied benefits of each ingredient. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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All About Passion Potion: Let’s Talk About Sex(ual Wellness), Baby! 

Hormones – February 10, 2022

All About Passion Potion: Let’s Talk About Sex(ual Wellness), Baby! 

It’s about time that we started talking about the aspects of sexual wellness. The act of sex is such an important tool in deepening our understanding about ourselves, our bodies and even the world around us. So we wouldn’t be doing right by you - our Cosmix Fam, if we don’t address your common sexual wellness concerns. Passion Potion is the latest addition to our list of adaptogenic mixes and it’s filled with ingredients that can help you stress less, and boost your sexual wellness. And for everything you want to learn about the product itself, we've put together this little guide. What exactly does it do? The mix of ingredients in Passion Potion work together to improve energy and stamina levels, while improving circulation and sensitivity to sex organs. These are also said to help with liver and kidney detoxification, which in turn can promote a healthy libido. The ingredients also lift your spirits, can help you relax and most importantly, can help to improve the health of your sexual organs. The mix can help you to naturally regulate hormones - both in the male and female bodies. What goes into it? "None of the bad, and all of the good" That’s how we describe the ingredients that go into every single one of our products. Passion Potion is filled with natural aphrodisiacs with a proven history* of helping with improving sexual well-being. The main ingredients are Cacao and Cocoa blend, Korean Ginseng, Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Maca Root, Horny Goat Weed, Vanilla, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Himalayan Salt and Monk fruit.What does it taste like? What can it be paired with?Owing to the presence of Cacao, Passion Potion tastes chocolatey, with hints of earthy flavors. It will pair well with spices like chili, pepper, garlic, and even ginger. Fruits like figs, mangoes, strawberries, cherries, and berries would also pair well with the chocolate flavor. How should I consume it and when? While it tastes best when paired with milk (diary or non-diary), there are a number of other ways to consume it - in smoothies, desserts, snacks and even as a breakfast topping; Yogurt topped with fruits and a dusting of passion potion, anyone?While we know the idea of having a rich, chocolatey drink at night may sound appealing, we’d recommend otherwise. Passion Potion contains Cacao which contains caffeine, and can be stimulating.  What other changes should I make for better sexual wellness? For better sexual wellness, it is important that you take a holistic approach with your health. Making positive lifestyle changes - better nutrition, physical activity and practicing stress management tactics - can help. How long before I start to experience its effects?Passion Potion, like all adaptogenic mixes, takes time to truly make an impact in the body. But owing to the ingredients with proven results, it can show both short term and long term benefits. But how soon it works depends on you - your health, lifestyle and other contributing aspects. It works best if taken daily so that the body will naturally be ready when one does feel compelled to engage in sexual intimacy. What if I am single and still want to use Passion Potion?We believe in sexy times for all! So Passion Potion can be used by anyone and isn’t exclusive to those who are partnered up!The herbs that are used in this mix to increase libido are said to work by facilitating the natural regulation of hormones in the body. So the benefits of Passion Potion go beyond improving your sex drive - it can promote healthy liver and kidney functioning, may help your energy and stamina, and assist in improving the health of your reproductive and nervous systems. Now that we’ve had this little chat on all things Passion Potion, let’s go ahead and get it on. And if you’ve got more questions, slide into our DMs. We’ll be waiting. 💦References:Cacao - 1, 2 , Shilajit -1, 2, Caffeine - 1

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Supplements for pcos, pcos supplements, Cosmix

Hormones – April 06, 2021

Can PCOS supplements help cure the problem?

Anyone who has been diagnosed and dealing with PCOS knows how the condition can consume your time, energy, and mental and physical health. And let’s not even get to the toll it can take on one’s own self-image. Marketers know this and target all your insecurities with the promise of a cure. But apart from medicines and lifestyle changes, PCOS supplements enriched with time-honoured and revered Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients can provide you with that bonus assistance you didn’t know you needed. These PCOS supplements accelerate your recovery and bring you closer to your goal i.e. balanced hormones, pain-free and regular periods, no acne, and finally, maybe, no cysts on the ovaries - for once and for all. When we launched What Women Want – our women’s hormonal health mix, women from all walks of life had just one question to ask us: “Can What Women Want Cure PCOS?” As a team where 3 out of 5 women are dealing with PCOS, we know this struggle all too well. And we realised, it was important for us to be honest and practical not only about what the mix can and cannot do for you. First things first, What Women Want is not a miraculous PCOS supplement that promises a permanent fix, and nor does it take away your symptoms in a blink. However, it can help suppress and keep symptoms under control. Let's understand how. What Women Want is a mix of adaptogenic herbs that not only have immense benefits related to female health individually, but also work well in synergy with each other. A concoction of these herbs forms as a supplement for PCOS, providing you with some extra support to accelerate your healing process. 🌿 Shatavari contains phytoestrogen, a natural plant-based estrogen that several studies have shown to promote the development of ovarian follicles, combat hyperinsulinemia and promote fertility.  🌿 Shatavari and Maca Root are powerful adaptogens that are known to ADAPT to an individual’s body’s needs. PCOS manifests differently in different people, so you need something that can adapt to your health.  🌿 Lemon Balm and Nettle don't impact PCOS directly. However, studies show that they do support the female body in vitality and mental well-being. The synergistic effect of the herbs lends holistic benefits. How to know if What Women Want is working for you? In the first few weeks of using you should observe a change in: Energy levels: You’re likely to feel less lethargic and experience improvement in overall vitality, motivation  and stamina Acne Vulgaris: You will note a reduction in acne induced by hormonal imbalance With 2 to 3 months of consistent use, you can expect to see: Balanced hormonal levels: The mix will aid in regulated production of sex hormones Regular periods: Balanced hormone levels will help regulate your menstrual cycle and flow too Once you observe these changes, continue to use it for at least 3 more months to see more effects that are long lasting - like improved fertility and suppression of hirsutism. It's important to note that PCOS manifests differently in different people! So not everyone will notice similar reactions within a similar timeline. So, please don't put further pressure on your body even while consuming the mix. Also remember exercise, mental well-being and a holistic lifestyle are equally important. If you want to know all about What Women Want, check out our FAQs or reach out to us on social media, we’re always here to help you understand what this supplement for PCOS can do for you. Check out this blog for more scoop on how What Women Want supports your menstrual cycle. Please ask us any questions you have in the comments!  References:Shatavari, Stress, Ayurveda

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